Hair Loss/Hair Fall Treatment in Delhi, India
Losing hair is undoubtedly heart wrenching. Many doctors may have claimed to bring back your hair through various unheard means but all in vain. Here at Derma World, we do not claim, we create hair-full heads. From Medication, PRP, Mesotherapy to Hair Transplant, we do it all for various needs of patients. We have proven as the best dermatologist for all the hair and skin problems of both men and women.
Do not panic out if you are suffering from any type of hair loss:
- Androgenic alopecia (baldness)
- Alopecia Universalis
- Alopecia Areata
- Scarring Alopecia Trichotillomania
- Telogen effluvium
- Alopecia Totalis
- Traction Alopecia
- Chemotherapy-induced alopecia
- Diffuse Alopecia
We are here to help you get through smoothly & safely.
Dr. Rohit Batra is one of the best & experienced Dermatologists. He has the best treatment for hair loss or hair fall in Delhi, India. Treatment starts with the diagnosis. With unique diagnosis ability, Dr. Rohit Batra is able to treat many patients suffering from hair loss.
Normal Hair Growth
Shedding of 50 to 100 hairs is a completely normal process. When a hair sheds, it gets replaced by a new hair from the follicle which is just below the surface.
Hair is formed from a protein, which is of the same type as found in fingernails and toenails. It is imperative for everyone to eat an adequate amount of protein to maintain normal hair production. Egg, meat, nuts, chicken, dried beans and grains are all rich source of proteins.
Most of us feel that our hair grows and falls instantly. It is mainly because of our sudden realization on thickening or thinning of hair that we draw such a conclusion. However, the reality is overlooked.
Just like physiological and natural processes around the earth, our hair too undergoes a complete cycle. A single strand of hair is born, grows, enters old age and finally sheds off. Thus, normal hair growth is a cyclical process.
At a given interval of time, say two to three months or even one month in abnormal cases, when rate of hair fall exceeds the new number of hair born; we term it as hair loss. Similarly, when rate of growing hair is more than that of shedding; alleluia, it’s a sign of hair growth.
Hair growth cycle comprises three stages
3 Stages of hair growth
- Anagen: – In the first stage, hair grows at half an inch every month. The rate increases in summer and reduces in winter. On an average, it takes place in 3 to 5 years, with Asians undergoing maximum tenure of anagen, which is for 7 years. Where full length hair average is about 18 to 30 inches, for Asians it’s up to 1m. This is the active hair growth phase.
- Catagen: – The second stage is the shortest phase in this cycle, spanning for only 10 days. It is basically a transitional phase from anagen to telogen.
- Telogen: – By now, active hair have become old and about to fall off. The telogen stage is a resting phase. In this phase hair follicles remain inactive for approximately 3 months, after which the entire process is repeated. Since each hair follicle functions independently, hence, it has its own growth cycle. Had this not happened, then sudden loss of huge quantity of hair would have been natural. In healthy hair cycle, about 80 hairs are lost by an individual every day.
It is only due to some causes that one experiences gradual or rapid hair loss. When it happens, the normal hair growth cycle gets disrupted.
Causes of Hair Loss
Causes of hair fall are plenty. To point them out, the main reasons are:
- Anxiety and Stress: – In present day world, it is the primary reason behind hair loss. More than mental stress, physical and emotional stress can also result in gradual loss of hair. People prone to be anxious, also have higher chance of losing their treasure. Hair loss from tensions only reduces when there’s lesser stress or when person is involved in few relaxing techniques like yoga, exercise or meditation.
- Thyroid Disorders: – A curse for its victims, both excess presence of thyroid, i.e. hyperthyroidism and lack of adequate amount of thyroid i.e. hypothyroidism can bring down the number of hairs to a drastic loss. If thyroid disorders are well treated, hair loss gets automatically controlled.
- Hormonal Changes: – Changes in hormone especially during menopause or just after childbirth are significant reasons behind hair loss. It can also take place with age & body goes through a series of hormonal changes, often creating hormonal imbalances. Not only women, even men can lose hair due to hormones.
- Medications: – Complex medications like beta blockers, anti-depressants, anti-convulsants, anti-coagulants, etc. have serious effect on hair and shed a good number of them, in a short time span. Besides these, medicines given during critical surgeries also contribute to hair loss.While medicines are a strong hair loss factors, surgeries too have an equal share in causing hair fall. Treatments like chemotherapy are known to clear off scalp and make it hair-free. Good thing is when such medications or treatments are stopped; hair gradually returns into its normal cycle and slowly starts growing. In most cases though people do opt for hair loss treatments, which accelerates normal hair growth cycle in them.
- Lupus: – An autoimmune disease largely responsible for hair loss, Lupus is characterized by patchy loss of hair with signs of lesions on the scalp. Those consuming lupus medications are also likely to lose their hair.
- Common medical abnormalities: – Besides the above, some other causes of hair fall is failure of renal, liver problems, inflammatory bowel diseases and similar conditions. As each of these abnormalities disturbs the body’s own mechanism, hence it affects hair follicles and so brings about loss of hair.
Classifications of Hair Loss
Although the term “hair loss” may seem to be the same, however it is different for everyone due to its distinct pattern. Most importantly, the specific pattern of hair loss determines the best possible treatment to regain lost hair and control further hair loss. Overall, hair loss can be classified into the following categories.
- Androgenic Alopecia: – Being the most common type of hair loss, it can victimize both men and women; the former on a higher rate. Research confirms that about 70% of males and 40% of females around the world are expected to go through at least some degree of androgenic alopecia, at some point of life. It may recur at any point of time. In this hair loss pattern, hair at the top of the scalp is most affected. Hair thinning first develops at the crown or the temple or both and then gradually spreads inwards forming a ‘horse shoe pattern’ of hair loss. In women, the crown relatively remains unaffected.
- Traction Alopecia: – It is more like a manmade cause and is generally seen among women. The main cause behind this hair loss is the use of tight hairpins and rubber bands which tighten the hair roots for a long time. As fallout, hair strands cannot resist the pressure for prolonged hours and tears off from the roots. When hair is let open, it then sheds off. The hairline recedes leaving short and broken hair along the fringe. The one and only way to tackle this problem is to tie hair in not so tight manner and letting it loose or tying it into a bun (without hairpins and clips) for some time.
- Involutional Alopecia: – Yet another hair loss pattern, this kind of alopecia is related with age. Older age means shorter hair cycle and hair also becomes thinner. Further, active hair enters telogen or resting phase quicker. Usually at young age, people have 85% of hair in each growth stage. The percentage takes a downturn with ageing. As it is a natural process, hence proper care on nutritional intake and healthier lifestyle are the means to recover as much hair as possible.
- Trinia Capitis: – In medical terms, it is a fungal infection that ends up with hair loss. It becomes visible as a single or multiple patches of hair loss. At the same time, skin can be itchy, inflamed and scaly. The hair loss pattern takes the shape of ringworm, hence is commonly referred to as ‘ringworm scalp’. In trinia capitis, when hair tears off, it leaves behind a distinct pattern of black dots. This condition is more commonly found in children while adults are a rare case. Suitable medication of the fungal infection can heal hair loss problems.
- Alopecia Areata: – An autoimmune disease that it is, alopecia areata brings hair loss in the form of spots, which is why; another name of this hair loss pattern is spot baldness. It can take place in any portion of scalp and is primarily, an immunity disorder. When body fails to recognize its own cells, the immune system treats hair like an invader and therefore attacks it. As a result, hair starts falling in circular spots. Of those affected with this disorder, only 1% to 2% experience compete hair loss from not only the scalp but also the entire body. Some commonly preferred treatments include topical coal tar, topical ciclosporin, minoxidili and dithranol.
- Telogen Effluvium: – Normally, 85% of hair lies in active growth phase whereas 15% of hair enters telogen or resting phase. Telogen effluvium disrupts the 85+15 balance and more amount of hair enters resting phase. With this, hair naturally thinning and with untreated thinning, it creates baldness all over the scalp.
- It can happen due to reasons like childbirth, excess stress, sudden loss or gain of weight and bereavement.
Patchy Hair Loss
It is nothing but alopecia areata where hair follicles are attacked by the body’s own immune system as it cannot recognize its own blood cells. It causes extensive loss of hair in two ways- one by shedding entire hair from the head and two, loss of hair from the body. The worse thing about patchy hair loss is that it is unpredictable and its fallout varies across patients. Hence, hair specialists cannot come to a uniform conclusion for all cases.
Patchy hair loss can be cured by medical treatment and alternative therapies. Medicines include minoxidil which can be gently applied into the affected scalp areas. Some other medicines prescribed by the dermatologists or hair physicians can also heal the problem. Alternate cure includes aromatherapy, acupuncture and intake of vitamins and herbal supplements.
Treatments for Hair Loss in Men
Treatments (Men)
Male baldness can be effectively treated by the following treatment options:
- Medications: – Certain medicines like Finasteride and Minoxidil yields good results in controlling hair fall. While the former is a pill, the latter is a lotion to be applied over the scalp, especially in the affected region.
- Therapies: – A perfect combination of oral medicines, creams, shampoos and ointment make a complete hair loss therapy according to individual situation of hair loss. As these are customized solutions, people can expect maximum benefit through hair loss therapy.
- Surgery: – Hair transplant surgeries are the last resort to grow hair. It is best suited for curing male pattern baldness by removing DHT-resistant hair from back of the scalp and inserting the active follicles in bald areas. Surgeries result in even growth of hair around the scalp.
- Laser Combs: – Unlike normal combs, these are specialised combs that carry electricity and emit concentrated light to stimulate the hair follicles. When combined with other hair loss treatments, laser-based combs deliver the most fruitful results in the shortest span of time.
- PRP is also a great treatment to boost the natural hair growth.
Treatments for Hair Loss in Women
Treatments (Women)
Ladies also have a wide range of options to treat their fine hair, get rid of excess hair loss and ensure regrowth at the maximum level. These are:
- Minoxidil: – The wonderful hair loss lotion not only works for men but also for the women, who never wish to let go of their hair. By gently applying the lotion over the scalp, women hair loss is sure to be controlled within a month, latest by 45 days. Also, it is the most commonly preferred medicine by women suffering from hair loss.
- Finasteride and Dutasteride: – Usually, these are prescribed for men, however, only in rare cases, females are asked to consume it. According to research, the two medicines do work in rare cases and when it does, it brings back hair in bounty.
- Spironolactone: – Presence of excess fluids in one’s body can also result in hair loss. By means of Spironolactone, body’s extra amount of liquid comes within the limits; thus making a condition in favor.
- Like in men, PRP is equally good for women and helps in regaining the lost hair.
General Therapies and Treatment to Treat Hair Loss or Hair Fall
Other Therapies
Baldness and hair loss are the most common and wide spread problem among both male and female, but with proper care and medication, it can be stopped and even hair regeneration is possible.
Hair growth is a natural phenomenon but various factors like lifestyle (bad eating habits, smoking and alcohol consumption) stress, pollution etc, can negatively affect hair growth.
When the hair growth process gets affected by these obstacles, they result in to hair loss, dandruff, baldness and other hair related issues.Hair loss is also a result of side effects to medication for treating other health related issues such as, weight loss, blood pressure treatment, epilepsy medicine, cancer treatment medicines, chemotherapy etc.
But, today one has several options of treating hair loss, either by Medication or by Mesotherapy, or by Laser treatment.
One can also choose type of medication ranging from allopathic, homeopathy and Ayurveda, which have good medicines to enhance hair growth.
Medicine for treating hair loss reduces thinning of the hair, while enhancing coverage of the scalp by growing new hair. These medicines also thicken the shafts of existing hair so that it grows thicker. Point here worth noting is that, with these medicines, hair coverage improves on the top of the head but not in the forehead area.
How to cure spot balding or Alopecia Areata | Excess of hair Loss On body
Following are common medications used for hair regeneration and reducing hair loss.
- Finasteride – Finasteride is one of the most used medicines for hair loss treatment and it is available through prescription. Finasteride helps in slowing hair loss on the scalp and helps regrow hair. The bald spots may not be covered completely, as it promotes hair growth in crown region. Finasteride should never be taken by women who are pregnant, because exposure to it can cause birth defects.
- Minoxidil – It is either rubbed or sprayed on scalp and thus helps in regrowth of hair. Minoxidil seems to work best on people younger than 30 years of age who have been losing hair for less than 5 years and is available in 2% solution and 5% solution. Excessive spray of this solution may have side effects. It is worth noting that this medicine works temporarily and hair fall reoccurs whenever the medicine is stopped.
- KaliumCarbonicum – This medicine is formed with potassium carbonate and is highly beneficial in preventing the thinning and drying of hair.
- Cortisone – It is one of most effective medicine for hair growth, it is taken in form of injection directly in the scalp. But it is now days available in form of ointment which can be applied on the scalp.
- Silicea – Another effective medicine for promoting hair growth is Silicea. It is derived from sandstone and human tissues which are highly effective in nourishing the hair follicles, therefore promoting good hair growth. It is also available in concentrated liquid form and granules.
- Nioxin Vitamins– Nixon Vitamins medicine is concentration of vitamins and minerals, which acts as supplements to the existing hair roots, thus making the hair growth faster. This is available in the ready to use form of shampoos, conditioners and lotions.
- Diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP)-This is an effective medicine which is painted on the scalp once in a week and is available in liquid form. The application of this medicine strengthens the hair roots.
Above, medicine should be taken strictly under the supervision and consultation with professional medical practitioner. All these medicines are effective only when followed with healthy lifestyle, nutritious food consumption and good hair care routine.
How much time is this medication administered and total treatment duration?
Treatment duration
Ideally, the length of duration for these medicines depends upon the intensity of baldness and the response of the medications.
Minoxidil and Finasteride are too used daily and it may take somewhere around 6 months before the results start appearing. Other medicines like Silica, DPCP, and Nixon Vitamins should be taken on weekly basis or twice. All these medicines start showing results when taken for months.
What to expect after consumption of these medicines?
These medicines do not work wonders and shows effect gradually, when consumed over period of time. But, yes, a routine consumption followed with a healthy lifestyle improves hair growth and reduces hair fall considerably.
In most of the medications for hair loss treatment, the crown part and the back-part show results first. The forehead area is the last part to show any results. The effects of these medicines depend upon the age and the location of hair loss and one should not expect to regrow full head of hair.
Care to be taken after medication
After care
The only care to be taken while on medication for hair loss treatment is to follow a healthy routine, which includes a nutritious vitamin and mineral rich diet, completely abstain from any form of drugs, alcohols and smoking. Weekly hair massage therapy is also advisable, so that hair regeneration is coupled with medicines.
- Treatment with medicines may slow hair loss and help to regrow hair. But one may not get as much hair growth as one expects.
- There are few side effects of these medicines, which includes irritation and itching. Also, in women these medicines might cause facial hair growth. Also, too much exposure of these medicines in men causes sexual problem as well.
- It may be very dangerous to take these medicines if a woman is pregnant or have certain health conditions, such as heart problems.
- It is also possible that the medicines may not work and one should not expect to regrow a full head of hair. It may take from a few months to a year before results.
- There are no risks to health if one decides not to use medicine for hair loss.
About Mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is a non-surgical cosmetic method of treating hair fall, patchy hair and thinning of hair by restoring hair. In this process superficial microinjections are administered just below the upper most layer of the scalp, called the epidermal layer, which stimulates the mesoderm layer in the skin tissues (it is situated at the depth of 1mm approximately), which encourage the hair’s growth and regeneration process. Recently, mesotherapy has been gaining popularity among the patients as it is highly successful and has effective results, both among men and women experiencing hair loss and balding.
The main highlights of the treatment are that it is based on the concept that the problems of hair loss are because of lack of proper nutrients and minerals/Vitamins, which gradually reduces the circulation of blood in the scalp area causing hormonal imbalances in the follicle, resulting in an excess production of hair loss androgen.
How it is done and how much time it takes?
The treatment contains a solution of active ingredients, Acetyl tetrapeptide-3 and Biochanin- A which work together to stimulate natural hair growth. Also, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and nucleic acids, can be mixed into different proportion and can be customized according to the patients’ requirements. And, after the solution is injected it acts by restoring the hormonal imbalances and thus gradually decreases the hair loss and restores the natural hair. The treatment procedure varies from patient to patient, however a session usually takes between approximately 15 to 30 minutes, depending upon the size of the area of treatment.
On an average minimum of 10 sessions are required in order to create the conditions in the scalp required to stimulate hair growth, beginning with an intensive course of treatments every 2 weeks for the first few months, after which it is then decreased in frequency to once every 3 months or less.
Mesotherapy works by dual action of chemical and mechanical stimulation in the affected area of hair loss. The chemical action of ingredients administered stimulates response in the mesoderm. Whereas in mechanical action the needle which is used to inject the solution develops micro perforations in the tissues, thus inducing a healing leading to the production of elastin and collagen, which are used to grow hair.
The ingredients in the solution actively work together for faster hair growth by improving blood circulation, stimulating production of collagen, reducing inflammation, and increasing the follicle size to stop hair loss.
What to expect?
Mesotherapy can potentially eliminate the need for hair transplant or implant surgery.
Considerable change starts to reflect once the therapy is over, and the baldness might be the issue of past. But, the result also depends upon the quality of hair and follicle cells.
Note– When the mesotherapy is performed under the treatment of expert it is very safe and painless. Also, there is no need of dressing of skin or injecting anaesthesia.
Mesotherapy are sometimes used in conjunction with BotilinumToxinto. But, generally it is done without combination of any other treatments. But, it is advisable that the patient undergoing mesotherapy should consult their physicians and seek proper advice. There might be some irritations and itching in few of the cases. However, one should remember that mesotherapy treatments work best when harmful chemicals and toxins are eliminated from the diet and followed by a healthy exercise program.
Laser Light Therapy for Hair Loss Treatment
LLL Therapy
Laser light therapy or sometimes referred as low-level laser therapy stimulates hair growth as well as prevent future hair loss even after stopping the treatment. Laser light therapy is low level exposure to near infrared radiation. The therapy involves placing the scalp (areas to be treated) under infrared-emitting laser diodes.
On the one hand, laser therapy can permanently remove body hair. On the other, it can accelerate hair growth rates and even increase hair follicle proliferation in humans and this is possible because it accelerates the regeneration of crushed nerves and encourages hair follicle proliferation and it also depends upon the wavelength, exposure time, and frequency of exposure.
What Type of Balding Does It Treat?
Low laser therapy treats androgenetic alopecia which is a genetic condition that is the most common form of balding pattern observed in both male and female. People with androgenetic alopecia have a gene that makes them more reactive to the effects of the androgenic hormone, called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT grows in the roots of hair follicles and in genetically more sensitive person it causes hair follicles to decrease in size and gradually follicles become so inactive and dormant that it stops growing leading to hair loss.
Working of Low Laser Hair Therapy
The hair growth happens in three phases namely, anagen phase being the growth phase, followed by catagen phase, called the transition phase and the final phase being the Telogen phase. It is in the third phase that the hair become dormant and stops growing. The low laser therapy works by stimulating the hair follicles and moving them to anagen phase.
The therapy works by using a low label infrared light of wavelength 630 to 670 nanometre, as light of this wavelength is absorbed by the hair follicles. The light penetrates through the scalp, stimulating the epidermal stern cells, which pushes the regeneration of hair follicles. This helps in increase in the flow of blood and stimulates metabolic process necessary for hair growth, thus preventing formation of DHT in the follicles region.
How effective is Laser Light Therapy?
The treatment is highly effective in treating weaker and thinner hair follicles making hair stronger and healthier, and thus stopping hair loss. The main concern is that it only works when the hair follicle is active, because in dead hair follicles there is no hair regeneration. Hence, it is advisable to start the therapy as soon as possible.
Treatment time and way of administration
Low laser therapy can be done at clinic or at salon or even at home, because the laser machine used are handy and portable, requiring 2-3 treatment per week and each treatment lasts for around 15-20 minutes. The results start showing after 3 to 4 months.
The therapy can be carried out using, in saloon hoods/ overhead panels, head caps or hand-held device. Following are two different types of laser therapy treatments, generally used-
Laser Combs. Laser diodes are in the form of hair built between the bristles and can be used anytime and anyplace, just to give quick low laser hair therapy.
Personal Laser Helmets. Laser diodes are in the form of wearable portable helmets. The advantage is that it saves time and resources to make visit to doctor and is very handy to use.
Laser hair therapy may be delivered in clinic, salon or salon by trained professionals; the person administering the therapy should know how to operate the laser machine and the proper way to do it. Scalp treatment and massages that promote blood circulation may be used additionally as part of the program.
Under proper guidance, laser light therapy could be one of the best methods for hair loss treatment.
Following are benefits for using low laser therapy
- First and foremost, important is it has completely no side effects.
- The procedure is painless and less time consuming.
- This therapy can be combined with medication also, for quick results.
- Comparatively less costly, and used for both men and women.
Hair Transplant
Hair transplantation is achieved by removing follicles from the back of the head as they are more resistant to hormonal changes, and planting them in areas of baldness. Hair transplants can produce good and long-lasting results, but as they require surgery in multiple sittings, the time taken for healing may be longer. But, there are several solutions to hair fall treatment; hair transplantation is the most permanent ways of treatment.
There are two ways of carrying hair transplant
- Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)– Follicular Unit Transplantation, FUT method a strip/layer or part of scalp is cut out from the back of head and is further dissected into individual grafts. The surgeon removes 6-10 inch of scalp area from back of head and is then stitched at the required area. After that the team of doctors, divides the removed scalp into 500 to 2000 small grafts depending upon hair quality and thinness at the area of implant.
- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)– In Follicular unit Extraction(FUE) methodof hair transplantation, the follicular units are taken from the back of the head one by one, with the help of machine. The doctor removes the graft one by one and hence the area heals quickly with small dots.
Now, the obvious question arises that who should go for FUT and who should go for FUE?
For FUE, people with larger baldness area nut who want it to be covered in single sitting go, and also people who can bear pain of cuts and stitches. Whereas, people with less baldness area, active lifestyle and people who prefer less invasive procedures and don’t want deep cuts and stiches and prefer faster recovery go for FUE method of extraction.
Method of Hair Transplantation
First the region where baldness is to be treated is numbed with the use of local anesthesia injection. After that, small locations are created using very fine needles and blades, in the area of baldness. The follicles extracted are then minutely inserted in place of baldness. The method is a sort of surgery and takes several hours to be completed. The head is completely shaved before carrying out the surgery.
The advantage of FUT is that it is beneficial in treating larger area and can be covered in very few sittings. Also, the follicles which are cut while removing are lesser and provides superior results.
The advantages of FUE method are that, it does not involve cuts and stitches, resulting in quicker recovery time with no scar visible.
Points to be remember before undergoing FUT or FUE hair transplant surgery.
- It is must to consult a doctor before undergoing FUT or FUE, as it is none less than a surgery and hence requires a proper consulting with a doctor.
- In Post-surgery, the patient has to undergo medication (painkillers, steroids & antibiotics) for a brief period of time, which has to be followed seriously for a quicker recovery.
- Post-surgery hair has to be properly washed and taken care of.
- The operation cannot be performed for patient age group below 25 years. It can also be not performed on person with diabetes, hypertension, and people with low hair density.
- The transplanted hair can sometimes appear unnatural, and the surgical procedure can cause infected hair follicles, loss of transplanted hair, and swelling, numbness, and itching of the scalp.
The cost of hair transplant, both in FUT and FUE are calculated based on per graft of transplant. FUT method costs on an average Rs.25 to 40 per follicles and FUE transplant varies from Rs. 30 to Rs. 100 per follicles and hence are costlier. The price further varies depending upon several factors.
Get the treatment done by the world renowned hair specialists Dr. Rohit Batra, to boost hair growth. Book an appointment now.